Tag Archives: Twitter

CXTech Week 28 2023 News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 28 2023 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News […]

CXTech Week 50 2022 News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 50 2022 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News […]

Telecom API Consolidation

Following the trend of telecom API consolidation BICS has bought Telesign. I prefer to use the term programmable telecoms, as you can see in the diagram below the market is much more that just APIs. Services using programmable telecoms have become an essential part of the market, and underpin Telesign’s success. BICS (previously known as Belgacom […]

Telco Big Data and Real Time Analytics Summit

I’ll be in London next week (3-5 Dec) at the Telco Big Data and Real Time Analytics Summit, it’s the first time this conference has run, and I think presents an important opportunity to cut through all the hype and BS we’re seeing on Big Data.  The conference itself is packed with operator presentations sharing […]

SDP Global Summit 2011: Light at the End of the Tunnel on Telco APIs

Day 2 of the SDP Global Summit kicked off as strong as the first day with an Analyst panel including Peter Mottishaw (Analysys Mason) and Shira Levine (Infonectics) the source of many of the market numbers on SDP. Shira showed the SDP market was $2.7B in 2010 and is growing to $5.2B in 2015 with […]

A Seminal Moment for the Telecom Industry: Twitter Uses BlueVia’s APIs

If proof were ever needed on the success of BlueVia in getting operator APIs right, is the endorsement of Twitter in using BlueVia’s APIs.  I show below the release and links to the Twitter weblog and BlueVia weblog.  Tomorrow (Thursday 22nd Sept) Jose Valles, the head of BlueVia, will be presenting during my session at […]

End of Year Review, Awards and Predictions: Its been a quiet year in Telecoms, but not Elswhere…

Given all the activity in the technology industry: Sun disappearing into Oracle (aka The Borg); HP’s ex-CEO’s escapades with an actress (normally in the joke its a bishop) and then joining The Borg; Microsoft finally getting its PC OS right and making Office 2010 a pleasure to use; Twitter, Facebook and other’s crazy valuations; Wikileaks; […]

Startups to Watch: Apigee, API Management

At the start of this year I created a white-paper around API management for Apigee (previously called Sonoa Systems).  Apigee is a 65-employee company with 55 engineers (10 working on the Facebook team), run on $40 million in funding from Bay Partners, Third Point Management Partners, Norwest Venture Partners, Juniper Networks and SAP Ventures. Its […]