Tag Archives: COnsumer Electronics Show

CES Summary: A Cambrian Explosion of Devices

Home by 9PM on Saturday from the family vacation and back on a plane at 9AM Sunday for the flight to Las Vegas.  On the napkin on the United flight to CES (Consumer Electronics Show) it said “Taking high tech to new altitudes”  which was in stark contrast to the United plane (or product as […]

End of Year Review, Awards and Predictions: Its been a quiet year in Telecoms, but not Elswhere…

Given all the activity in the technology industry: Sun disappearing into Oracle (aka The Borg); HP’s ex-CEO’s escapades with an actress (normally in the joke its a bishop) and then joining The Borg; Microsoft finally getting its PC OS right and making Office 2010 a pleasure to use; Twitter, Facebook and other’s crazy valuations; Wikileaks; […]