Category Archives: API

Twilio’s Authy Incident

Background As the Authy incident has propagated across the industry since the 1st July, I’ve received quite a few emails on this that corroborate the incident’s origins and the organizations involved. The Verge did a nice summary on the situation, with 33 million numbers exposes. The ShinyHunters hackers announced on the relaunched BreachForums website in late June […]

How can Nokia Leapfrog Ericsson in Programmable Telecoms?

Purpose of this article Ericsson spent $6B on Vonage, we covered it in CXTech Week 47 2021. Simply, they made a mistake through not understanding the programmable telecoms market and the history of telecom APIs in telcos. I made a point in the most recent CXTech Week 31 2023 about how organizational learning in many […]

Why has service innovation in programmable communications been difficult for carriers?

This article was stimulated from a weekend conversation where I realized the historical context for service innovation in carriers is being overlooked; and the history of programmable communications in telecoms is being rewritten. Through the ‘90s When I first joined BT Labs I worked on OEICs (Opto-Electronic Integrated Circuits), after previously working on HEMT (High […]

Programmable Communications and CPaaS are Different

CPaaS Should Not be Used Interchangeable with Programmable Communications I’ve pointed out CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) is a dumb term since its creation. Analysts are paid by vendors, products are defined so analysts can write reports about them to help vendors sell those products. I’ve begrudgingly used CPaaS, as when I use the […]

It’s All Just Programmable Communications, or Programmable Telecoms if you Prefer

I’ve noticed some common mistakes from analysts when they review the CPaaS, UCaaS, and CCaaS market(s). Or the enterprise communications market (employee and customer) to take a customer-centric view. The mistakes stem from several sources: Grouping aggregators and CPaaS together as ‘CPaaS’ providers, it’s a bifurcated market, as explained in the simple programmable communications model, […]

CPaaS Report: A Problem Large Analyst Firms need to Solve

Before I begin; I have great respect for Pamela Clark-Dickson, we’ve known each other for well over a decade, she knows the programmable communications industry better than any other analyst I know. The report “Omdia Universe: CPaaS Platform Providers, 2022–23” is simply doing what the customer wants, marketing collateral. She’s doing her job. But the report is wrong. […]

Subspace WebRTC-CDN Experiences. Where is Subspace taking us?

This article reviews what Subspace WebRTC-CDN offers to WebRTC; developers’ hands-on experiences with Subspace at TADHack; and what WebRTC-CDN means to enterprise communications. What is WebRTC-CDN? Subspace WebRTC-CDN is a WebRTC delivery network. Backwards compatible with the TURN protocol, WebRTC-CDN handles traditional TURN NAT traversal functions as well as improving network performance for all WebRTC […]

2021 Review from the CXTech Newsletters

This weblog provides a round-up of the main programmable communications headlines through 2021. It’s been another busy year. Identity verification keeps getting hotter and could enter a phase of industry convergence in 2022 between enterprise / web and programmable communications industries. We’re already seeing similar convergence from the cloud infrastructure providers like AWS, Microsoft and […]

Simple Programmable Communications Model

The purpose of this article is to explain a simple model to understand the programmable communications market. I divide the market into 3 domains: Aggregation, Technology, and Applications. I’ve shown a number of similar frameworks in the past, see this one from TADSummit 2018 given during the State of the Union presentation. The reason I […]