Tag Archives: CEO

Twilio’s Authy Incident

Background As the Authy incident has propagated across the industry since the 1st July, I’ve received quite a few emails on this that corroborate the incident’s origins and the organizations involved. The Verge did a nice summary on the situation, with 33 million numbers exposes. The ShinyHunters hackers announced on the relaunched BreachForums website in late June […]

SDP and IMS in the Cloud: Reminder for SDP in the Cloud workshop at the 5th Annual SDP Asia Summit 27th-28th October 2010 Singapore

As mentioned in this previous article an interesting topic being discussed at the SDP Asia conference is ‘SDP in the Cloud’ as a pre-conference workshop run by hSenidMobile.  I’ve covered this in a previous weblog article, but it’s great to see a pre-conference workshop focused on this topic, which includes case studies of Etisalat’s Cloud […]

5th Annual SDP Asia Summit 27th-28th October 2010 Singapore

Its the first time since its inception that I’ll not be able to attend SDP Asia, instead I’ll be at the BBWF (BroadBand World Forum), I reviewed the BBWF conference and the sessions I’ll be running in this aricle. As a quick aside: DEMO is taking place this week, and congratulations to GotoCamera (previously HomeCamera) […]

Upcoming Conferences: 4GWE, Broadband World Forum, Oracle SDP in Action

I hope you managed to have an enjoyable summer break.  With the end of the summer holidays comes conference season… At the 4G Wireless Evolution conference next week in LA I’ll be moderating the session “The Ecosystem of Application Developers” (4G1-04), on Tuesday 1st Sept, 2:00-3:15pm.  On the panel will be: Shai Berger, CEO Fonolo; […]

Open Innovation and Application Developer Needs

Over the past couple of years I’ve been helping operators understand ways they can harness open innovation.  Using a quote from Henry Chesbrough, UC Berkeley, from his book ‘Open Innovation’ to explain: “Open innovation means that valuable ideas can come from inside or outside the company and can go to market from inside or outside […]