Tag Archives: Joyn

Rich Communications – Time for Change!

At the Rich Communications event in Berlin, we ran a pre-conference workshop on WebRTC that included Tim Panton from Westhawk, Victor Pascual Avila from Quobis, Juan Mateu from Solaiemes, and myself.  The material from the workshop is show below.  It was a packed day, with the realization that an RCS strategy that does not include WebRTC […]

Independent Review of Telecom APIs Workshop Summary

The SDP Global Summit proved again to be the must-attend event.  I’ve reviewed Summits from 2013, 2012, 2011 Day 1, 2011 Day 2, and 2011 Highlights on this weblog and you can see they have predicted the course of the industry.  This year we ran a post conference workshop on the 20th Sept entitled, “Independent […]

WebRTC Workshop at Rich Communications 28th October

At Rich Communications 2013, we have a great pre-conference workshop lined up on the 28th October entitled, ‘WebRTC Workshop, the HTML5 Real-Time Web.’  We’ll have a mix of deep technology and strategic discussions, followed by some great demos exploring WebRTC and RCS.  Presenter will include Sam Machin from Tropo, Juan Mateu from Solaiemes, Victor Pascual Avila […]

SDP Global Summit and Telecom API Workshop

The SDP Global Summit has become the must-attend event across all telecom service platforms, not simply service delivery platforms.  Previous Summits from 2012, 2011 Day 1, 2011 Day 2, and 2011 Highlights are reviewed on this weblog and you can see they have predicted the course of the industry. I’m in particularly excited about the […]

IMS. What Choice Do You Have? IMS World Forum 2013 Summary.

In the effective duopoly of IMS core supply between Ericsson and Huawei, it’s fair to ask, “IMS.  What choice do you have?”  Talk to many people in Telecoms not directly working on IMS and they’ll simply right it off as dead.  For a dead technology, the conference was very much alive, the busiest I’ve ever […]

MWC2013: The Mobile Dichotomy, Net-Head versus Cust-Head

The overall feel of MWC (Mobile World Congress) this year is upbeat.  More people attending, up from 67k to 72k.  The money being spent on LTE (Long Term Evolution) is starting to percolate through the industry, and later this year LTE-A (Advanced) as Telstra and several other operators announced.  In these articles from 2008 and […]

LTE North America 2012: Tinder Box Market Ripe for a Firestorm of Disruption

LTE North America ran from 13-15 Nov in Dallas.  There was a record 1000 delegates at the show, with 60 unique carriers in attendance from small local rural players such as the Texas-based ZIPnet US, to regionals such as MetroPCS, and of course, the duopoly of AT&T and Verizon.  North America is a unique market […]

LTE Asia 2012 Summary

LTE Asia proved to be a refreshingly frank, open, and interesting event.  With 800 attendees over the 2 days, some of the sessions I attended were packed with standing room only.  At the end of this article are some slides with a few of the many highlights from the conference, and a few of my […]