Tag Archives: Instabridge

Instabridge: WiFi Made Easy and Social

To not offer WiFi access to visitors is on the same level of social faux pas as to not allow visitors access to the toilet.  I’ve reviewed previously the great market research Instabridge did on the typical consumer’s view of WiFi and 3G, with the classic quote “WiFi is free, 3G isn’t,” as shown in […]

MWC2013: The Mobile Dichotomy, Net-Head versus Cust-Head

The overall feel of MWC (Mobile World Congress) this year is upbeat.  More people attending, up from 67k to 72k.  The money being spent on LTE (Long Term Evolution) is starting to percolate through the industry, and later this year LTE-A (Advanced) as Telstra and several other operators announced.  In these articles from 2008 and […]