Tag Archives: Valencia College

Preview of TADSummit & TADHack Global 2024: The Conscience of Our Industry

Call to Action I’ll begin with a quote from a well-known long-time large Telco ex-CEO. “The industry is polluted by Tier-2 and 3 crooks and fraudsters, but there is still tons of work to do with the big guys as well.” Presenting detailed analysis using publicly available facts, that holds some of the industry accountable […]

CXTech Week 7 2024 News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 7 2024 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News […]

Call for Sponsors and Partners, TADHack Open 2024, 23/24 March, weekend before EC24

TADHack is the largest global hackathon focused on programmable communications / telecoms since 2014. Consistency and credibility are key to TADHack’s continued success and large following. In addition to our no-BS approach, we stand up for developers and innovators, check out the TADSummit Podcast, and Alan Quayle’s blog. This credibility is unmatched, see all the […]

CXTech Week 10 2023 News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 10 2023 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News […]

CXTech Week 52 2022 News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 52 2022 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News […]

CXTech Week 41 2021 News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 41 2021 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News […]

CXTech Week 11 2020 News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 11 2020 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News […]

Enterprise Connect, TADHack, Programmable Telecoms

In a couple of weeks we have TADHack-mini Orlando, just before Enterprise Connect. We’ve run hackathons before other events, such as TADHack-mini Japan before the big WebRTC Conference in Japan, and for several years ran TADHack-mini London before the WebRTC Global Summit. Its a great way to demonstrate what programmable telecoms means in practice. This […]