Tag Archives: Australia

Preview of TADSummit & TADHack Global 2024: The Conscience of Our Industry

Call to Action I’ll begin with a quote from a well-known long-time large Telco ex-CEO. “The industry is polluted by Tier-2 and 3 crooks and fraudsters, but there is still tons of work to do with the big guys as well.” Presenting detailed analysis using publicly available facts, that holds some of the industry accountable […]

CXTech Week 50 2020 News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 50 2020 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News […]

TADSummit Wrap-up

TADSummit was held from 12-13th November at in Istanbul, Turkey. Attendance exceeded our estimates, with close to 200 innovators coming together over the two days focused on building the Telecom Application Development Ecosystem from the grass roots. Compared to the first TADSummit in 2013, we doubled the attendance; and implemented the feedback provided with a […]

Initial Experiences with Unotelly

Continuing our voyage of being an online TV only viewing home, we’re now using Unotelly (thanks Adam).  After spending a week earlier this month in the UK visiting family, we really appreciated the quality of the children’s programming with Cbeebies and CBBC, and the kids wanted to continue watching once back in the US. I’ve used […]

Free Report. TV Delivery Evolution: Hybrid TV, Over The Top (Internet) TV and TV Everywhere (Multi-Screen) TV

Back in September 2012 I published this report “TV Delivery Evolution: Hybrid TV, Over The Top (Internet) TV and TV Everywhere (Multi-Screen) TV. Status Report and Projections 2012-2017.”  A friend recently asked if they could buy the report, so I reread the material, and I was surprised at how far we have moved in the […]

Updated Report: TV Delivery Evolution: Hybrid TV, Over The Top (Internet) TV and TV Everywhere (Multi-Screen) TV. Status Report and Projections 2012-2017.

A complete rewrite of the TV Delivery Evolution Report is now available, its now titled: “TV Delivery Evolution: Hybrid TV, Over The Top (Internet) TV and TV Everywhere (Multi-Screen) TV. Status Report and Projections 2012-2017.”  The table of contents, figures and introduction are available to download here and shown at the bottom of this article.  […]

Review of Broadcast, Interactive, Internet and Hybrid TV in Africa (TVA) 2011

I will not be involved in this conference for the reasons set out in this weblog article. TVA 2011 was an impressive event, with over 200 attendees and visitors, its success can be attributed to 3 factors: Built in Africa for Africa, Vital Training an African business put TVA together, they’re living and breathing the […]

Environmental labeling for Mobile Apps

James Parton brought up an interesting idea around consumer labeling of mobile apps.  Its missing from the mobile eco-system.  For most home appliances there is Energy Star labeling.  Energy Star was first created as a United States government program during the early 1990s, later Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan and the European Union adopted […]

Broadband World Forum 2010, October 26-28th, CNIT La Defense, Paris, France

With a new child at home I’ve been limiting travel, well trying to, so this year only the two most important conferences in my calendar are attended: Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Feb and Broadband World Forum (BBWF) in October.  Informa have taken over BBWF so their massive conference machine, and in particular Gavin Whitechurch, […]

Human Behaviour and Mobile Broadband Pricing

In my journeys around APAC (Asia Pacific region) over the past few months, a common theme is the explosion of mobile broadband (MBB), as reported in previous articles in this weblog such as Mobile Broadband Explosion, The Internet’s Gone Video, and Mobile and DSL Broadband Compared.  However, the impact of that explosion on the operator […]