Tag Archives: varun arora

CXTech Week 25 2024 News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 25 2024 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News […]

Is Axiata Reframing Telecom History at DTW24?

I’m referring to the Axiata presentation given at DTW24. As the saying goes, “History is written by the winners” which is often attributed to Winston Churchill, but it’s one of those statements whose origin is much more complex. Rather, Winston Churchill was the latest to bring the phrase to general public attention. But its not actually […]

CXTech Week 48 2021 News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 48 2021 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News […]

Broadband World Forum Day 3

On Day 3 of the Broadband World Forum I ran the session “Aligning to Developer Needs, Using Developer Communities to Lead the Service Innovation Race” 2009 was the year of the app store and developer community.  In 2010 how are we doing as an industry? This session brings together the leading developer community managers with […]

Broadband World Forum InfoVision Awards

The BBWF InfoVision Awards were announced last night.  Firstly, congratulation to the Dial2do team for winning in the Best Service Category. Sean O’Sullivan (CTO Dial2do) along with Varun Aorora (CEO GotoCamera, winner of last year’s InfoVision Award) will be on the panel session I’m running on Thursday 28th Oct 1430-1545: Aligning to Developer Needs Using […]

Broadband World Forum 2010 Day 1, October 26th, CNIT La Defense, Paris, France

Day 1 of the Broadband World Forum started with Keynotes from Matt Bross (Huawei), Johan Bergendahl (Ericsson) and Oliver Baujard (Deutsche Telekom). Matt’s session was entitled “Innovation @ the speed of life.”  Highlighting the problem operators have in focusing on phone numbers and addresses not people, and the issue of lack of customer trust in […]

Update: Broadband World Forum 2010, October 26-28th, CNIT La Defense, Paris, France

In a couple of weeks the main broadband event of the year will be held in Paris, the Broadband World Forum, October 26-28th, CNIT La Defense.  By the numbers there will be 6000+ attendees, 280+ exhibitors, 200+ speakers, 125+ global carrier case studies & presentations.  The latter number is key, like MWC (Mobile World Congress) […]

Broadband World Forum 2010, October 26-28th, CNIT La Defense, Paris, France

With a new child at home I’ve been limiting travel, well trying to, so this year only the two most important conferences in my calendar are attended: Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Feb and Broadband World Forum (BBWF) in October.  Informa have taken over BBWF so their massive conference machine, and in particular Gavin Whitechurch, […]

Preview: 4th annual SDP Asia event, Singapore 27-28 October 2009

The 4th annual SDP Asia event takes place in Singapore from 27-28 October 2009.  Some of the operators presenting will be: Krishna N Basudevan, GM, Information Technology, Aircel Ltd, India; Clark Lam, Director of Service Platforms in Consumer Products, SingTel, Singapore; Rahadian Krishna Sundara, Head of Business Research, R&D Center PT Telkom, Indonesia; Alex Ibasco, […]

Broadband World Forum Summary

The Broadband World Forum is the main telecommunication industry’s event for broadband, drawing thousands of attendees from more than 100 operator companies and all the top broadband vendors.  Keynotes at the event came from industry leaders such as Hans Vestberg, CEO Ericsson, Jean-Phillip Vanot, SVP of Innovation and Marketing for Orange, and Mika Vehviläinen, COO […]