Category Archives: Customer Experience

It’s All Just Programmable Communications, or Programmable Telecoms if you Prefer

I’ve noticed some common mistakes from analysts when they review the CPaaS, UCaaS, and CCaaS market(s). Or the enterprise communications market (employee and customer) to take a customer-centric view. The mistakes stem from several sources: Grouping aggregators and CPaaS together as ‘CPaaS’ providers, it’s a bifurcated market, as explained in the simple programmable communications model, […]

vCon Workshop

vCon is an open standard for conversation data. In December 2021 Thomas Howe, CTO of STROLID, introduced vCon. We have iCal that enables anyone to store and exchange calendaring and scheduling information such as events, to-dos, journal entries, and free/busy information. And vCards so anyone can store and exchange electronic business cards, name and address […]

2021 Review from the CXTech Newsletters

This weblog provides a round-up of the main programmable communications headlines through 2021. It’s been another busy year. Identity verification keeps getting hotter and could enter a phase of industry convergence in 2022 between enterprise / web and programmable communications industries. We’re already seeing similar convergence from the cloud infrastructure providers like AWS, Microsoft and […]

Keep an eye on Malaysia

There’s some interesting things happening in Malaysia at the moment: 5G special purpose vehicle (and no, it’s not an autonomous vehicle); and Axiata’s rapidly expanding role in financial services. 5G GOMSPV (Government of Malaysia Special Purpose Vehicle) The Malaysian government recently announced plans to own the fifth generation (5G) spectrum and build the country’s only […]

Simple Programmable Communications Model

The purpose of this article is to explain a simple model to understand the programmable communications market. I divide the market into 3 domains: Aggregation, Technology, and Applications. I’ve shown a number of similar frameworks in the past, see this one from TADSummit 2018 given during the State of the Union presentation. The reason I […]

Being a customer of Verizon FiOS leaves me a little sad and frustrated

I pay $60pm for 75mbps internet access with Verizon FiOS, which they upgrade to 100mbps. When I connect my laptop directly to the router’s Ethernet port I see about 90-93mbps. It’s near enough what they claim. I know people in several countries that will look on enviously at such bidirectional rates (cough, Australia). However, new […]

What’s in a name? Part 2.

There’s been quite a bit of debate stimulated by the weblog “What’s in a name? Finding a better handle for Programmable Telecoms“, the related twitter discussion (see below), and lots of other threads over the past month. What’s in a name? Finding a handle for #ProgrammableTelecoms FinTech is an excellent handle for financial service innovators. We need […]

The Great API Con

Happy New Year! I thought I’d kick the year off with the Great API Con, as its resulting in systematic failures of innovation projects that should be seeing far more business success. This article is for API providers not consumers. “Wait! What? Aren’t you an early proponent of APIs? Recommending copying the lead of Web […]

What’s happened to the Mobile Phone Experience?

UPDATE June 27th: My TMO complaint was escalated and the agent, reviewing my case before contacting me, did one simple thing: asked me if moving back to my old plan would solved the problem. My immediate response was ‘Yes!’ I’m moving back to my old plan in July. Across credit card companies, banks, utilities, other […]

What is it that you do?

I’m asked this question surprisingly often, “Alan, what is it that you do?” My stock answer is, “I wander the world helping people.” Which generally results in a wry smile from those who know me; else a questioning or annoyed look from someone who was expecting a straightforward answer to a straightforward question. When I […]