Tag Archives: Policy Control and Charging

What is it that you do?

I’m asked this question surprisingly often, “Alan, what is it that you do?” My stock answer is, “I wander the world helping people.” Which generally results in a wry smile from those who know me; else a questioning or annoyed look from someone who was expecting a straightforward answer to a straightforward question. When I […]

Mobile Broadband Use is Changing, Policy Needs to Catch Up. Summary of Policy Control and Data Pricing Conference, April 2013

The Policy Control and Data Pricing Conference took place between the 16-17th April.  Its a ‘who’s who’ of Policy Control and Charging (PCC), and provides a great litmus test on the state of industry.  The discussions this year were quite frank with open disagreements; the worry of signalling storms appeared to have abated. Reviewing the […]

MWC 2012 Summary: The Trials and Tribulations of Entering Middle Age

This year I brought my wife and 2-year-old son to Barcelona; we arrived on the Thursday before MWC (Mobile World Congress).  Barcelona is great for small children with lots of playgrounds, some with crèches that bring out their toys to play with making it great fun.  The restaurants go the extra mile in making the […]