Tag Archives: nexmo

Telco CPaaS Revisited

I’m seeing a resurgence in telco CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) initiatives. However, I’m seeing mistakes being repeated from the past, important learning points from successful telco CPaaS programs being ignored, and a broader misunderstanding on the role a telco plays with CPaaS in their countries of operation. Hence the focus of this weblog […]

What is a CPaaS? TalkingHeadz with Dave Michels and Evan Kirstel

I was fortunate to be invited to take part in a conversation with Dave Michels and Evan Kirstel, TalkingHeadz. The focus was: what is a CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service)? I consider the term CPaaS to be as dumbass as Cloud Communications. They were both created when referring to cloud was ‘essential marketing cool’. And […]

The Enterprise Telecoms Revolution. A Potted History of Programmable Telecoms.

Before we start, do not worry about all the acronyms in this potted history of Programmable Telecoms, there is an irreverent acronym list at the end of this weblog to help you through them. And yes, this is a long weblog, at 4k words it should take about 20 minutes to read, but its easy […]

SMS API Pricing, I just don’t get it

The information shown below on SMS API pricing is easily accessible from the companies’ websites. I’ve used all their services. My clients use their services at a range of volumes. I’ve run hackathons where people are innovating on most of these companies, where we experience firsthand the ease of use and flexibility. I have a […]

Interesting Times in Telecoms

Its interesting times to review quarterly financial performance of a number of telecom companies. Firstly, examining the large established ones focused on telco: Ericsson revenue fell 6% year over year during the third quarter to $5.9 billion Nokia fell 9% year-on-year to around $5.7B in Q3, and said conditions will continue to be difficult into […]

Restconn 2017

I attended Restconn 2017, this weblog provides quick review and some context on what it means to the industry. I’ve known Ivelin, Jean and Amit since 2004/5; they are the core team behind Mobicents (the open source project now called Restcomm) and they founded Telestax which leads Restcomm. Back in 2004/5 there were lots of open […]

Is the tide starting to turn on A2P SMS?

The robustness of the A2P SMS market has surprised me, granted many analysts have been predicting its decline for the past 3-5 years, however, its continues to grow. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve seen a number of things start to point towards the corner could be in sight. Personal experience (its always very […]

Telecom API Consolidation

Following the trend of telecom API consolidation BICS has bought Telesign. I prefer to use the term programmable telecoms, as you can see in the diagram below the market is much more that just APIs. Services using programmable telecoms have become an essential part of the market, and underpin Telesign’s success. BICS (previously known as Belgacom […]

Summer Madness. Beware those heralding digital transformation and API business models

It must be the additional heat from global warming bringing the summer madness out early. This is just a selection of the silliness I see pass through my inbox today on the way to the deleted folder. Digital Transformation still keeps being used as if it means something. Digital was cool in the ’70s, just […]

Understanding TADHack

TADHack has been running for less than two years, and in that time we’ve had over 200 amazing hacks created at the events, tens of which have gone or are in the process of going commercial. At the end of this weblog we list them out so you can see all the impressive concepts created […]