Tag Archives: cPaaS

Twilio Flex does a Microsoft

Microsoft built Windows, a platform that enabled people to create cool stuff, like spreadsheets, word processors, lots of enterprise desktop applications. Microsoft copied the high margin cool stuff built on Windows, and soon their software became the default.  This is what we’re seeing with Twilio Flex. BTW, browsers were not high margin, hence the delay […]

From IM to the First Point of Contact with the Internet (FPOCI)

IM (Instant Messaging) / chat has been around for a long time. Before AIM (AOL Instant Messenger, 1997) and ICQ (Internet Chat Query, 1996), there was the command line function ‘chat’ on unix (early 1980s) which evolved into IRC (Internet Relay Chat,1988); and for the VMS (Virtual Memory System) crowd there was phone (sometime in […]

What is it that you do?

I’m asked this question surprisingly often, “Alan, what is it that you do?” My stock answer is, “I wander the world helping people.” Which generally results in a wry smile from those who know me; else a questioning or annoyed look from someone who was expecting a straightforward answer to a straightforward question. When I […]

UCaaS is a subset of CPaaS

Its always before Enterprise Connect the confusion on CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) and UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) rises. Here are two simple definitions: UCaaS is a PBX in the cloud, its a telecom application (granted a complex one, but a telecom app nonetheless). CPaaS is a telecom application server in the […]

Shooting from the Hip

I thought I’d keep this article punchy as I’m full of a cold, so would rather just shoot from the hip than think too much on some of the topics I’ve discussed on my calls this week 🙂 There are some numbers in here, so its not just rambling opinion. Cisco bought market share, all the […]

On cPaaS, UCaaS, WebRTC

I’ll start with some definitions. cPaaS – communications platform as a service. Its a telecom app server running in the cloud and a bunch of carrier interconnects that enable telecoms (voice, video, messaging, identity, payments, etc.) over the internet / PSTN between people and things. Its generally accessed using an API, but SDKs, GUIs, and […]

Telecom API Consolidation

Following the trend of telecom API consolidation BICS has bought Telesign. I prefer to use the term programmable telecoms, as you can see in the diagram below the market is much more that just APIs. Services using programmable telecoms have become an essential part of the market, and underpin Telesign’s success. BICS (previously known as Belgacom […]

Enterprise Connect, TADHack, Programmable Telecoms

In a couple of weeks we have TADHack-mini Orlando, just before Enterprise Connect. We’ve run hackathons before other events, such as TADHack-mini Japan before the big WebRTC Conference in Japan, and for several years ran TADHack-mini London before the WebRTC Global Summit. Its a great way to demonstrate what programmable telecoms means in practice. This […]

Voxeo Lab’s Ameche delivers “Apps in your Calls™” to Stabilize and Grow Voice, Video, Messaging, and Value Added Service Revenues, an over $1 Trillion Market

Voxeo Labs announced today the availability of Ameche, a Communications Platform as a Service (cPaaS) that delivers “Apps in your Calls™” to stabilize and grow voice, video, messaging, and value added service revenues, an over $1 trillion market. Ameche is a developer platform that provides the tools, execution environment and revenue models for a new […]