Tag Archives: UC

CXTech Week 30 2024 News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 30 2024 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News […]

CXTech Week 25, News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 25 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News and […]

CXTech Week 18, News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 18 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. Examples of what falls into CXTech includes: Programable Telecoms […]

CXTech Week 14, News and Analysis

The purpose of this CXTech Week 14 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech?  The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers. Examples of what falls into CXTech includes: Programable Telecoms […]

What’s in a Name? Finding a better handle for Programmable Telecoms.

When I first learned of the word FinTech, I thought, “Oh! A group noun for digital banking, finance, insurance, and crypto currencies. A handy moniker for a collection of related services, and at least it avoids using the dumbass term digital.” That handle has stuck and driven broad recognition of the category for investors, press, […]

UC in Europe; It’s Complicated

UC in Europe is complicated. When I use the acronym UC (Unified Communications) I’m taking a broad definition encompassing vPBX, hosted UC, UCaaS, and all the IVR, contact center, and web widget features that are used. The reason for such a broad definition is because enterprises use UC is so many ways, there’s a laundry […]

On cPaaS, UCaaS, WebRTC

I’ll start with some definitions. cPaaS – communications platform as a service. Its a telecom app server running in the cloud and a bunch of carrier interconnects that enable telecoms (voice, video, messaging, identity, payments, etc.) over the internet / PSTN between people and things. Its generally accessed using an API, but SDKs, GUIs, and […]

Unified Communications, the Enterprise, the Mobile Phone and the Threat to Mobile Operators

UC (Unified Communications) brings together the communication and data networks of an enterprise.  The Innovative Communications Alliance (ICA), led by Nortel and Microsoft, is creating the hype surrounding UC.  The purpose of this article is not to discuss UC within the enterprise, rather look at the emerging mobilization of UC and the impact it could […]