Tag Archives: TADSummit

What’s in a Name? Finding a better handle for Programmable Telecoms.

When I first learned of the word FinTech, I thought, “Oh! A group noun for digital banking, finance, insurance, and crypto currencies. A handy moniker for a collection of related services, and at least it avoids using the dumbass term digital.” That handle has stuck and driven broad recognition of the category for investors, press, […]

Telco CPaaS Revisited

I’m seeing a resurgence in telco CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) initiatives. However, I’m seeing mistakes being repeated from the past, important learning points from successful telco CPaaS programs being ignored, and a broader misunderstanding on the role a telco plays with CPaaS in their countries of operation. Hence the focus of this weblog […]

What is a CPaaS? TalkingHeadz with Dave Michels and Evan Kirstel

I was fortunate to be invited to take part in a conversation with Dave Michels and Evan Kirstel, TalkingHeadz. The focus was: what is a CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service)? I consider the term CPaaS to be as dumbass as Cloud Communications. They were both created when referring to cloud was ‘essential marketing cool’. And […]

Twilio Flex does a Microsoft

Microsoft built Windows, a platform that enabled people to create cool stuff, like spreadsheets, word processors, lots of enterprise desktop applications. Microsoft copied the high margin cool stuff built on Windows, and soon their software became the default.  This is what we’re seeing with Twilio Flex. BTW, browsers were not high margin, hence the delay […]

SMS API Pricing, I just don’t get it

The information shown below on SMS API pricing is easily accessible from the companies’ websites. I’ve used all their services. My clients use their services at a range of volumes. I’ve run hackathons where people are innovating on most of these companies, where we experience firsthand the ease of use and flexibility. I have a […]

What’s the ROI of TADS?

A common question I’m asked about TADHack and TADSummit is, “What’s the ROI of TADS?” Return on Investment. In other words, how many relevant leads, which we can convert into sales, will TADS deliver. My response if always the same. There is no ROI for TADS, measured in those terms. I’ve had people close down the […]

UC in Europe; It’s Complicated

UC in Europe is complicated. When I use the acronym UC (Unified Communications) I’m taking a broad definition encompassing vPBX, hosted UC, UCaaS, and all the IVR, contact center, and web widget features that are used. The reason for such a broad definition is because enterprises use UC is so many ways, there’s a laundry […]

Interesting Times in Telecoms

Its interesting times to review quarterly financial performance of a number of telecom companies. Firstly, examining the large established ones focused on telco: Ericsson revenue fell 6% year over year during the third quarter to $5.9 billion Nokia fell 9% year-on-year to around $5.7B in Q3, and said conditions will continue to be difficult into […]

Restconn 2017

I attended Restconn 2017, this weblog provides quick review and some context on what it means to the industry. I’ve known Ivelin, Jean and Amit since 2004/5; they are the core team behind Mobicents (the open source project now called Restcomm) and they founded Telestax which leads Restcomm. Back in 2004/5 there were lots of open […]

Announcing TADHack Global 2016 plus TADHack Update

We’ve changed the date for TADHack Global in response to developer feedback, its now in October 14-16 (Friday through Sunday), rather than June. Each location will run on 2 of the 3 days. Now, University students are in attendance and not worrying about exams, the warm weather is not calling the Northern Hemisphere to the […]