Tag Archives: IMS

Summary of IMS World Forum 2014

It was a funny old IMS World Forum, I found it both uplifting and depressing. Uplifting in the presentations from SK Telecom, Rogers, and Orange as they took control of their future and are delivering business results on service innovation. But also depressing as the telco standards people continue to delude themselves on OneAPI, RCS, […]

IMS and WebRTC Workshop

At the IMS World Forum we ran a workshop on IMS and WebRTC, its full title “IMS World Forum Pre-Conference Workshop: A New Wave of Communication Service Innovation: IMS and WebRTC.”  The presentations are shown below, the running order kicked off with me frankly reviewing the challenges we face with service innovation, so after I got […]

TADHack Launched

TADHack (Telecom Application Developer Hackathon) is a global event, created and driven by the grassroots of the industry to help developers discover the latest ways to add communications to their application, services and business processes.  And compete for $20k in prize money.  It is unique because it brings together all relevant telecom application development tools […]

IMS and IP Communications, Two Different World Views?

Telcos are faced with a tough choice by some of their vendors, “IMS, what choice do you have?” If telcos’ services do not work reliably they suffer through public humiliation.  Remember when AT&T had an exclusive deal on iPhone in the US?  Jon Stewart from the Daily Show said about owning an iPhone in NYC […]

IMS. What Choice Do You Have? IMS World Forum 2013 Summary.

In the effective duopoly of IMS core supply between Ericsson and Huawei, it’s fair to ask, “IMS.  What choice do you have?”  Talk to many people in Telecoms not directly working on IMS and they’ll simply right it off as dead.  For a dead technology, the conference was very much alive, the busiest I’ve ever […]

WebRTC at the IMS World Forum, Barcelona, 23-25 April 2013

This year’s IMS World Forum is shaping up to be an excellent event, with a solid focus on WebRTC (Web Real Time Communications). At last year’s event I asked the opening panel about the impact of WebRTC on their plans to a muted response.  And this year there is a pre-conference WebRTC Workshop on the […]

Voxeo Lab’s Ameche delivers “Apps in your Calls™” to Stabilize and Grow Voice, Video, Messaging, and Value Added Service Revenues, an over $1 Trillion Market

Voxeo Labs announced today the availability of Ameche, a Communications Platform as a Service (cPaaS) that delivers “Apps in your Calls™” to stabilize and grow voice, video, messaging, and value added service revenues, an over $1 trillion market. Ameche is a developer platform that provides the tools, execution environment and revenue models for a new […]

Developing the Ecosystem for Service Innovation at the Mobility Tech Conference & Expo 2012

At the Mobility Tech Conference in Austin 3-5 Oct, Verizon, AT&T, Ericsson and a real live developer recently wrangled from the wild will take part in a frank and open discussion on the future of Service Innovation at 11 AM on Wednesday Oct 3rd. Panelists include: Bill Goodman, Director – Technology, Verizon Ivelin Ivanov, Founder […]

LTE Asia 2012 Summary

LTE Asia proved to be a refreshingly frank, open, and interesting event.  With 800 attendees over the 2 days, some of the sessions I attended were packed with standing room only.  At the end of this article are some slides with a few of the many highlights from the conference, and a few of my […]

SDP Global Summit 2012, Rome, 11th-14th September

The SDP (Service Delivery Platform) Global Summit 2012 takes place in Rome from the 11th-14th September. On Tuesday the 11th September is the API focus day.  I recently founded a Telecom APIs group on Linkedin, its generating some interesting discussions such as: Discussion on “Is WAC Dead?” Survey on “The recently specified OMA RCS APIs?” […]