Category Archives: BOSS

Recent Workshops

A common theme on many of my projects is providing either at the start or end of a project an in-depth workshop. The focus of these workshops is varied: providing a fast-track understanding on new technologies or business models; separating hype from reality; explaining the unsaid agendas of the suppliers and service providers; providing a […]


We hear Business Transformation (BT) mentioned by many vendors and consultants when they’re selling their products and services.  It closely echos the messaging of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) transformation of the past decade; and given the challenges we’ve seen in realizing those benefits, it’s fair to consider it in some ways a re-branding.  Or you […]

The Litany of Excuses Stifling Communication Innovation Part 4

A previous article set out the litany of excuses given as to why communication innovation has stopped in operators; and we’re working through how those excuses can be solved, avoided, or ignored.  This article expands a little more on the excuse: “We can only focus on 4 service launches per year (because we only back […]

The Tools for Understanding the Customer: Business Intelligence

This weblog has referred many times to the potential of operators to understand their customers given their role as network provider.  In this article I go a little deeper into the technology behind that statement, business intelligence. Business Intelligence (BI) refers to software techniques used in spotting, extracting, and analyzing business data, such as sales […]

More on the The ITization of Telecoms

Its one of those trends we know is there.  Its been there for decades. However, because the trend is constant it gets ignored, its a bit like boiling frog syndrome – ignoring the small changes until its too late and you’re cooked.  The trend is the ITization of telecoms.  Within the telecoms industry we like […]

Operators need for Baby Steps in Business Intelligence, More TMO Customer Service Woes, and the ITization of Telecoms

Amazon provides amazing customer service, I’ve never had to call them through the hundreds of transactions, everything is just there online.  Its respectful of my time and lack of patience.  Comparing this to my latest TMO (T-Mobile) experience has me wishing Amazon would take over TMO’s customer service.  The week before last my wife had […]

Service Management (Fulfilment and Assurance) Consolidation Update

In previous articles I’ve reviewed the consolidation of the service fulfillment space amongst small and medium sized companies: OSS Consolidation Part 1: Examining Service Management (Fulfillment and Assurance) – original article that provides the definitions used, explained the disconnect between the two categories of fulfillment and assurance, and provided a service fulfillment landscape. Update on […]

Update on OSS Consolidation Part 1 Weblog Article: Service Management

At the start of April I wrote about the consolidation in the service management space and the major trends of: Consolidation of functionality.  Just like enterprise IT, as mature functions are subsumed.  For example, once upon a time a service provider would buy a VoIP fulfillment platform, now multi-service fulfillment is the norm. Emergence of […]

Summary of “Where’s the Mobile Industry Going?” Panel at the Sigma System’s User Conference

Sigma Systems’ first User Conference (June 4th-6th, Barton Creek Resort), explored the next generation of consumer and business oriented services, including insight and discussion around emerging trends and technology developments in the following areas:  targeted advertising, evolution of commercial VoIP & data services, global deployments in mobile broadband services, evolution to on-demand services, converged applications […]

OSS Consolidation Part 2: Recommendations on Service Delivery

What is a ‘service delivery architecture’?  It really depends upon with whom you are talking.  Are they are a vendor trying to sell IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), or a Java games download platform; or are they an operator responsible for value-added communication services, IPTV, or content services.  Each will likely give quite different answers.  Service […]