Tag Archives: mPortal

SDP Landscape 2012

Asked recently if there was an update of the old SDP landscape weblog entry, I was shocked at how out of date it had become.  The categories needed updating, lots of companies had come and gone.  The 2012 SDP landscape can be downloaded here, and is also shown at the end of this entry, though […]

Where next for operators’ service innovation?

I’ve been a long time proponent on the importance of APIs (Application Program Interfaces) to operators’ evolving business models, in fact, of APIs for any web based business model as discussed in this API Management Whitepaper. However, time is moving on and operators continue to struggle with implementing the basics given their business model (charge […]

TelstraOne Experience: ODP Re-Emergence?

Earlier this week I discovered Telstra have launched an integrated storefront experience called the TelstraOne Experience: across the phone’s features, web, content, games, customer relationship management, and all the other services they provide.  Critically, its front-and-center of the customer’s phone experience and aimed at one-click access.  See picture and video below on its operation.  Its […]

Cricket’s MyHomeScreen shows the industry how to take on the Consumer Electronics and Operating System App Stores

In the article Reinventing the On Device Portal – The App Store, I reviewed how Apple’s implementation of its App Store on the iPhone provides a template for operators and how the struggling ODP (On Device Portal) can come into its own. I’ve reviewed the ODP landscape, its struggles and evolution in previous weblog articles.  […]

End of Year Review

The purpose of this article is to review some of the significant developments and trends in the telecom industry through 2008, and look forward into next year on what developments and trends may start to unfold. Open Innovation, Telco API and SDP. A theme of this weblog throughout the year has been Open Innovation, the […]

Service Delivery Platform Landscape

Following in the series of market landscapes such as On Device Portal, Fixed Mobile Convergence, Service Management, and a very high level one on Service Delivery Platform (SDP).  I’m presenting a richer SDP landscape, however, it is challenging to compare SDPs because of the vast scope of functionality and the numerous definitions that exist. A […]

OSS Consolidation Part 2: Recommendations on Service Delivery

What is a ‘service delivery architecture’?  It really depends upon with whom you are talking.  Are they are a vendor trying to sell IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), or a Java games download platform; or are they an operator responsible for value-added communication services, IPTV, or content services.  Each will likely give quite different answers.  Service […]

The On Device Portal Landscape

As part of the SDP (Service Delivery Platform) workshop a run, I have a section on the ODP (On Device Portal), where I run through the ODP landscape.  I maintain a table of companies I consider relevant to the ODP Landscape, if you see any gaps or errors let me know, thanks.  During the years […]