Category Archives: TADSummit Podcast

Global Telco Consult’s TCR Report

Global Telco Consult’s TCR (The Campaign Registry) report exists, and can be downloaded here. Remember this is an analyst report, its written for the client: TCR and Kaleyra (now Tata Communications). The ‘Rock Stars’ comment is an example of how the team must be spun in a good light despite all the challenges, this was […]

TCR: Responsibility without Control

TCR (The Campaign Registry, US) Filing to the FCC, Feb 7th 2024 In reviewing FCC filings, TCR made one on February 7, 2024;  after it met with the FCC on February 5, 2024. The quote below from the document is the most relevant and critically confirms what we’ve been saying since last year about […]

When Power goes Unchecked: The Telecom Triopoly

Background The next chapter of our messaging monopolies series is about as typical as any story of unchecked greed and power can be. Unlike the tragedy of the small business victim in the Messaging Monopolies post, Jenny’s Construction & Design Services (Jenny’s), who’d successfully led a business category for one decade. But couldn’t compete with […]

Tata Communications New Year’s Present, a Cease and Desist

Just before the New Year I received a Cease and Desist from Tata Communications, the owners of TCR. It’s a warning that threatens potential legal action. In this case, the release of conversations between a US carrier and TCR, now owned by Tata communications, on planned election interference. I’ve attached the cease and desist document, […]

Messaging Monopolies Simplified

Responding to several reader requests, this post is a simplified version of the original Messaging Monopolies, with more background explanations, a few analogies, and less assumptions made on the readers’ detailed knowledge of the US SMS industry. It is longer, but I hope makes things a little clearer. In the Appendix we walk through a […]

Response to Rich Eicher’s Comment on “The Campaign Registry and Foreign Ownership” Linkedin Post Part 1

Hi Rich, thanks so much for your comments, this is exactly what we want, open discussion. Starting with your first comment: Rich Eicher: “The Campaign Registry alone decides whether a political campaign’s text message is appropriate to send to your mobile phone.” – FALSE!” As far as I am aware there are no other options […]

Messaging Monopolies

Subtitle: US #SMSspam club’s EBITDA is $2.4B The motivation to create this post came in part from a post by James Crawshaw of Omdia on the movie, “The Network”. James referred to the monopolies in America, and how AT&T was broken up and then put together again by bankers with the exception of Verizon (Bell […]

TADSummit Podcast Episode 1

On our first TADSummit podcast we focus on STROLID and their CTO Thomas Howe. We introduce Giovanni (Johnny) Tarone, and the important role he will play in bringing investors to the TADS community and extending the no BS policy more broadly across the industry, as we fight for the programmable communications / telecoms industry. All […]