Tag Archives: cloud

Myths, Misunderdstandings and BS: A presentation from Sigma Systems Evolve 2010 Conference

At the Sigma Systems Evolve 2010 conference: deliver what’s next I gave a presentation, shown at the end of this article in the Accelerating Service Innovation session.  This user conference focuses upon next-gen OSS and service fulfillment, bringing together progressive operators, thought leaders, strategists, and partner.  The presentation splits into two sections: the first focuses […]

Start-ups to watch Ivona: Making the web readable again for Smartphones

I was approached recently by IVO software, a leading TTS (Text To Speech) company, with their IVONA TTS service.  Now on first sight you may think TTS is a rather old technology, which generally sounds like a disjoint Stephen Hawkings, struggles with acronyms and the contextual pronunciation of many words.  But this is where IVO […]

SDP in the Cloud

Interesting innovations regularly come from island nations, for example the first 3G trial on the Isle of Man (where I grew up), from Singapore (Goto Camera), and most recently Sri Lanka with hSenid’s SDP in the Cloud, which was recently released and then deployed with Etisalat – Sri Lanka (formerly known as Celltel & then […]

Diversity in Consumption, Black and White Thinking, and Life in 2020

I recently responded to a friend’s weblog post, Ric Ferraro, when I read through his article about a day in his life in 2020.  I thought I’d use this article to give my perspective on how some technologies and behaviors may look by then, as well as some ramblings on a few related topics. An […]