Category Archives: Innovation

OpenCloud Round Table: The Game has Changed

I recently took part in a round-table discussion in London organized by OpenCloud on the changes occurring within the telecoms landscape: how operators need to change to keep up with market dynamics, with a focus on innovation in services and service-charging.  This was in conjunction with OpenCloud’s launch of Rhino Sentinel to help operators boost […]

Emerging Markets Become a Force of Telecom Innovation as Growth Drives Innovation

Between 1995 and 2010, mobile’s share of the global telecom revenue pie increased from 14% to 63%. In 1995 mobile revenues from emerging markets represented 2% of global telecom revenues, by 2010 it was 28%.  In 1995, only 15% of the world’s mobile subscribers were in developing markets. By the end of 2010, 79% of […]

The Litany of Excuses Stifling Communication Innovation Part 4

A previous article set out the litany of excuses given as to why communication innovation has stopped in operators; and we’re working through how those excuses can be solved, avoided, or ignored.  This article expands a little more on the excuse: “We can only focus on 4 service launches per year (because we only back […]

The Litany of Excuses Stifling Communication Innovation Part 3

A previous article set out the litany of excuses given as to why communication innovation has stopped in operators; and we’re working through how those excuses can be solved / avoided / ignored.  This article expands a little more through a case study the “We tried that service (or similar service) in our market and […]

The Litany of Excuses Stifling Communication Innovation Part 2

This previous article set out the litany of excuses given as to why communication innovation has stopped in operators; and as promised we’re now going to work through how those excuses can be solved / avoided / ignored. To begin with there is the classic “We tried that service (or similar service) in our market […]

Start-ups to watch Ivona: Making the web readable again for Smartphones

I was approached recently by IVO software, a leading TTS (Text To Speech) company, with their IVONA TTS service.  Now on first sight you may think TTS is a rather old technology, which generally sounds like a disjoint Stephen Hawkings, struggles with acronyms and the contextual pronunciation of many words.  But this is where IVO […]

The Litany of Excuses Stifling Communication Innovation Part 1

Discussed in the previous article is the fact that as an industry we’re not innovating on our core service: communication.  I hear a litany of excuses as to why communication innovation has stopped, I show below a sample for your amusement and frustration.  In the next articles I’ll go through how those excuses can be […]

Missing the Point – Focus on Being Good at Communications

I was thinking the other day how little I now use my phone for day-to-day communications, and then started to think, why is that? To start with operators have been rather unsuccessful with their communication VAS (Value Added Services) – most people call them communication apps these days.  There are hundreds of them, for example […]

Business Case for Opening The Network

I came across this old presentation today on the business case for operators to open their network, shown below, some of the material is over 4 years old, especially on developer needs.  Yet operators continue to ask developers what they need and developers provide the same answers, perhaps operators continue to ask in hope of […]

Where next for operators’ service innovation?

I’ve been a long time proponent on the importance of APIs (Application Program Interfaces) to operators’ evolving business models, in fact, of APIs for any web based business model as discussed in this API Management Whitepaper. However, time is moving on and operators continue to struggle with implementing the basics given their business model (charge […]