Tag Archives: Cequens

TADSummit 2018 Agenda

The TADSummit 2018 Agenda is available for download without any email capture, its freely available. We still have a few more presentations and sponsors to add. TADSummit is unique, independent, no BS, and packed; the thought-leadership event in programmable telecoms. We review highlights from the agenda in this weblog. Thanks to Altice Labs, ENTER, Apidaze, Cequens, TeleSign, tyntec, VoIP Innovations, and Wazo, for sponsoring TADSummit 2018! And all […]

Telco CPaaS Revisited

I’m seeing a resurgence in telco CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) initiatives. However, I’m seeing mistakes being repeated from the past, important learning points from successful telco CPaaS programs being ignored, and a broader misunderstanding on the role a telco plays with CPaaS in their countries of operation. Hence the focus of this weblog […]