Tag Archives: Case Studies

Cloud Asia 2012, Conference Highlights

CloudAsia 2012 is the second year of the conference co-organized with Singapore’s IDA (Infocomm Development Authority), the summary of 2011 is here and here.  CloudAsia 2012 is a great event to meet the decision makers across the cloud computing eco-system from enterprises, telecom operators, regulators, government agencies, service providers, system integrators and vendors.  The event […]

Policy Control and Charging Conference Summary

The Policy Control and Real-Time Charging Conference ran from the 24th-26th April 2012 at the Krasnapolsky Hotel, Amsterdam.  The conference included operator presentations / case studies from Swisscom, Reliance, Turkcell, Vodafone, KPN, and Orange.  I ran a post-conference workshop on the 26th April entitled “Policy Control and Charging Workshop: An Independent and Quantified Review,” the […]

New Report: The Services Domain. Market Status, Case Studies, Analysis, and Recommendations

An operator is composed of three domains: Network, IT and Services.  Historically we’ve treated the services domain as something that can be solved by a piece of technology, called the SDP (Service Delivery Platform).  This has resulted in the industry’s slow response to the competitive threats of web-based service providers, which are now starting to […]

What others are Saying About the “The Services Domain. Market Status, Case Studies, Analysis and Recommendations” Report

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” John Donne (1572 – 31 March 1631) In putting together the “The Services Domain. Market Status, Case Studies, Analysis and Recommendations” report, peer review is critical to delivering a quality product, no man is […]

SDP Asia, Mobile VAS, Smartphone Apps & OS, and Convergent Billing Conference. 27-30 March 2012 Singapore

The 6th SDP Asia Summit is being held in conjunction with 3 other conferences: Smartphone Applications & Operating Systems (OS) Asia 3rd Mobile Value Added Services Asia OSS/BSS & Convergent Billing Asia The report “The Services Domain. Market Status, Case Studies, Analysis and Recommendations” report discusses the importance of the services domain to the future […]

End of Year Entry: Telecoms is Entering Uncertain Times

This entry shares some interesting data on the total global telecom revenue gathered in putting together a report I’m currently writing called: “The Services Domain. Market Status, Case Studies and Strategic Analysis.” The term Services Domain is used as the term SDP (Service Delivery Platform) is simply too ill-defined, abused by suppliers, and limits its […]