Category Archives: Innovation

What is it that you do?

I’m asked this question surprisingly often, “Alan, what is it that you do?” My stock answer is, “I wander the world helping people.” Which generally results in a wry smile from those who know me; else a questioning or annoyed look from someone who was expecting a straightforward answer to a straightforward question. When I […]

Linkedin’s broken Copyright Infringement Process, Treating its Customers Like Criminals

UPDATE: As of today (7th February) the Claim of Copyright Infringement has been revoked. My Slideshare account is reinstated. No apology, no explanation on how this came to pass, nor consideration of how this could be avoided in the future. As a paying Linkedin customer its an extremely poor experience. This weblog spans both personal […]

Interesting Times in Telecoms

Its interesting times to review quarterly financial performance of a number of telecom companies. Firstly, examining the large established ones focused on telco: Ericsson revenue fell 6% year over year during the third quarter to $5.9 billion Nokia fell 9% year-on-year to around $5.7B in Q3, and said conditions will continue to be difficult into […]

Shooting from the Hip

I thought I’d keep this article punchy as I’m full of a cold, so would rather just shoot from the hip than think too much on some of the topics I’ve discussed on my calls this week 🙂 There are some numbers in here, so its not just rambling opinion. Cisco bought market share, all the […]

Fake News in Telecoms

There are 3 principle reasons why analysts are wrong on many aspects of telecoms, because they: Believe the AR (Analyst Relations) / CFO (Chief Financial Officer) spin on the numbers and happily repeat them in their research notes. Its reportage and linear prediction on the story / spin given. Many industry analysts are ex-reporters, the trade […]

Music in the Home. HomePod, Sonos, and Amazon Echo.

Apple announced their HomePod yesterday, a $349 home speaker. The positioning is interesting as the focus is on audio performance, not all the voice control stuff. Which is there, just secondary in its positioning. Some Apple fans have been comparing the HomePod’s performance to Sonos Play 1 ($99), when Sonos Play 3 ($299) is a […]

Restconn 2017

I attended Restconn 2017, this weblog provides quick review and some context on what it means to the industry. I’ve known Ivelin, Jean and Amit since 2004/5; they are the core team behind Mobicents (the open source project now called Restcomm) and they founded Telestax which leads Restcomm. Back in 2004/5 there were lots of open […]

The Future of Programmable Telecoms

At Restconn 2017 in Prague 23-25 May I gave a presentation on the Future of Programmable Telecoms. As the first presentation of Day 2 at 8AM, I started gently as some listeners soothed their hangovers 😉 I thought it best to show most experts are wrong with most of their predictions, including me. With examples […]

What’s going to happen at MWC 2017?

I’ve not attended MWC (Mobile World Congress) for quite a few years, and I’ll not be at MWC 2017. I reviewed back in 2015 some of the reasons in this weblog, MWC is Broken. For this year, you’ll likely see most of the usual faces, but for many of the vendors there will be fewer demos […]

Summer Madness. Beware those heralding digital transformation and API business models

It must be the additional heat from global warming bringing the summer madness out early. This is just a selection of the silliness I see pass through my inbox today on the way to the deleted folder. Digital Transformation still keeps being used as if it means something. Digital was cool in the ’70s, just […]