Category Archives: Service Platforms

Opening Up the Soft Service Provider: The Telco API (Summary)

Survival is the mother of innovation.  As customer behavior, rather than technology and competition, significantly impacts a service provider’s business, threatening the core revenues; the Telco API (Application Program Interface) is one method for operators to foster innovation on their networks.  The Telco API enables operators to expose capabilities from their networks such as location, […]

Defining SOA, SDP and IMS; and how they fit together

I would like to thank Jeroen Visser from BT for his suggestion of this article to explain SOA, SDP and IMS; and then explain how they fit together. Service Oriented Architecture Defined SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) has emerged as a successful integration framework for BOSS (Business and Operational Support Systems) within operators.  We are now […]

SofNet Day 3

Just summarizing my panel session speech on day 3 of SofNet, “A Pragmatic Approach to Developing IMS-Services.”  I addressed two questions I’m often asked. “Is IMS dead?”  Both Sprint and Verizon are deploying their flavors of IMS for the simple reason they decided voice over EVDO (the CDMA version of 3G) will be supported by […]

SofNet Day Two. A Jungle of Capabilities and a Services Desert

Summarizing day two of SofNet. Panel session, “How Can 21CN Help Make Customers Successful?”  was a who’s who on UK telecom executives with John Cunliffe, Ericsson; John Frieslaar, Huawei; Geoff Hall, Nortel; John-Paul Hemingway, Ciena; Phil Dance, BT; David Soldani, NSN; Andy Stevenson, Fujitsu; and Phil Tilley, ALU.  With so many suppliers in such a […]

SofNet Day One

SofNet brings together three of the main drivers in the telcom industry, NGN (Next Generation Network), Web 2.0 and the telecom service layer (also known as the SDP, Service Delivery Platform).  Now when it comes to the definition of SDP, I’m usually reminded of this quote from “Through the Looking Glass:” `I don’t know what […]

Operators and their Application Developer Communities

“But shouldn’t our suppliers be building the developer programs?” I hear some operators asking. However, infrastructure suppliers make money by selling boxes, software licenses, maintenance and support; those suppliers do not understand the end customers as well as the operator. If they do, then the operator will likely not be independent for long. There is […]

OSS Consolidation Part 2: Recommendations on Service Delivery

What is a ‘service delivery architecture’?  It really depends upon with whom you are talking.  Are they are a vendor trying to sell IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), or a Java games download platform; or are they an operator responsible for value-added communication services, IPTV, or content services.  Each will likely give quite different answers.  Service […]

Examining the Breadth of Capabilities Operators can expose through the ANI (Application Network Interface)

The Application Network Interface (ANI) is an interface through which operators can expose capabilities from their networks to third parties such as single sign-on, location and presence.  At SDP Asia I gave a presentation on “Examining the importance of the SDP to an Operator’s Web / Voice / Telco 2.0 strategy” where I covered a […]

A view on the Fundamental Changes in Telecom through 2007

In reading the reviews of the telecom year, I see both iPhone and Android pop up as two of the most significant changes on the telecom industry.  I think it’s important that we stop and think a moment. On the iPhone: I already have music on my phone, I can do email, I have a […]

Findings from SDP Asia 2007

SDP Asia was held in Singapore 26th-29th November 2007.  It’s the 2nd such event Informa has run, and presented a chance to test out some of the ideas I’ve been developing within the US and European markets around the Application Network Interface and its role within the SDP (Service Delivery Platform).  SDP is a broad […]