The Rainbow of Programmable Telecoms

Its been a busy summer across preparations for TADHack Global, TADSummit and the day job of helping people around the world build new businesses and services in programmable telecoms. Plus here in the US with the long summer holidays a succession of camps and baby sitters to keep the kids occupied and not watching TV or […]

Tyntec, Fixing US Long Code A2P SMS

When Tyntec bought from Iris Wireless its peering agreement with Syniverse and SAP, one of only three contracts in existence, they opened up the old boys club of carrier interconnect in the US. Now tyntec are proposing to address one of the other dysfunctions of the US market by making long code A2P SMS work […]

On cPaaS, UCaaS, WebRTC

I’ll start with some definitions. cPaaS – communications platform as a service. Its a telecom app server running in the cloud and a bunch of carrier interconnects that enable telecoms (voice, video, messaging, identity, payments, etc.) over the internet / PSTN between people and things. Its generally accessed using an API, but SDKs, GUIs, and […]

Music in the Home. HomePod, Sonos, and Amazon Echo.

Apple announced their HomePod yesterday, a $349 home speaker. The positioning is interesting as the focus is on audio performance, not all the voice control stuff. Which is there, just secondary in its positioning. Some Apple fans have been comparing the HomePod’s performance to Sonos Play 1 ($99), when Sonos Play 3 ($299) is a […]

Restconn 2017

I attended Restconn 2017, this weblog provides quick review and some context on what it means to the industry. I’ve known Ivelin, Jean and Amit since 2004/5; they are the core team behind Mobicents (the open source project now called Restcomm) and they founded Telestax which leads Restcomm. Back in 2004/5 there were lots of open […]

The Future of Programmable Telecoms

At Restconn 2017 in Prague 23-25 May I gave a presentation on the Future of Programmable Telecoms. As the first presentation of Day 2 at 8AM, I started gently as some listeners soothed their hangovers 😉 I thought it best to show most experts are wrong with most of their predictions, including me. With examples […]

Is the tide starting to turn on A2P SMS?

The robustness of the A2P SMS market has surprised me, granted many analysts have been predicting its decline for the past 3-5 years, however, its continues to grow. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve seen a number of things start to point towards the corner could be in sight. Personal experience (its always very […]

Telecom API Consolidation

Following the trend of telecom API consolidation BICS has bought Telesign. I prefer to use the term programmable telecoms, as you can see in the diagram below the market is much more that just APIs. Services using programmable telecoms have become an essential part of the market, and underpin Telesign’s success. BICS (previously known as Belgacom […]

Building an A2P Ecosystem, Line Bot Awards

On Saturday, March 18, the winners of the “LINE BOT AWARDS” were announced. 815 entries were whittled down to just 24 teams who completed for the Grand Prix prize of 10 million yen, about $90,000 USD. At TADHack Global we get about 200 entries over one weekend, its comparing apples and oranges a little as […]

Enterprise Connect, TADHack, Programmable Telecoms

In a couple of weeks we have TADHack-mini Orlando, just before Enterprise Connect. We’ve run hackathons before other events, such as TADHack-mini Japan before the big WebRTC Conference in Japan, and for several years ran TADHack-mini London before the WebRTC Global Summit. Its a great way to demonstrate what programmable telecoms means in practice. This […]