Tag Archives: Telestax

TADHack Launched

TADHack (Telecom Application Developer Hackathon) is a global event, created and driven by the grassroots of the industry to help developers discover the latest ways to add communications to their application, services and business processes.  And compete for $20k in prize money.  It is unique because it brings together all relevant telecom application development tools […]

TADS 2013 Photo Review + Quick Update

Below are photo reviews from TADS 2013.  I hope they give you a flavor of what happened at TADS, and for the 100+ attendees a nice reminder of what happened only 2 months ago.  My TADS review is here. All the presentation slides are available for the Telco Summit and Developer Summit, and the videos […]

Telecom API Conference, 11-13th November, London

The first ever Telecom API conference ran in London from 11-13th November.  We ran a packed pre-conference workshop (see picture opposite) entitled, “All You Wanted to Know About Telecom APIs, But Were Too Afraid to Ask!” with about 30 attendees from around the world.  Presentations included Tropo, Apidaze and Telestax.  Below are the slides presented […]

TADS Summary: Building the Telecom Application Developer Ecosystem

The Telecom Application Developer Summit took place from 21-22 Nov 2013 in Bangkok, the slides are now available here, the videos and photos will be available soon.  TADS is much more than just 2 days in Bangkok.  Our objective with TADS is to help build the telecom application developer ecosystem from the grassroots, to expand […]

Telecom Application Developer Manifesto Released for Public Comment

The sponsors of the Telecom Application Developer Summit made a press release today on a Manifesto to solve the Telecom Industry’s innovation gap. Austin TX, Cambridge UK, Colombo Sri Lanka, Paris France, San Francisco CA, 1st October 2013 – Apidaze, hSenid Mobile, OnMobile, OpenCloud, Telestax, and Tropo, the companies leading the new wave of telecommunication […]

Independent Review of Telecom APIs Workshop Summary

The SDP Global Summit proved again to be the must-attend event.  I’ve reviewed Summits from 2013, 2012, 2011 Day 1, 2011 Day 2, and 2011 Highlights on this weblog and you can see they have predicted the course of the industry.  This year we ran a post conference workshop on the 20th Sept entitled, “Independent […]

Preconf Workshop at Telecom APIs, 11th Nov London

We’ll be giving a pre-conference workshop at the Telecom API event entitled, “All You Wanted to Know About Telecom APIs, But Were Too Afraid to Ask!”  This will be a fun, frank and independent review of the market with lots of real-world case studies from Apidaze, Telestax, and Tropo. Introduction We’ve seen in 2013 a […]

Independent Review of Telecom APIs, Friday 20th Sept 2013 at the SDP Global Summit

The presentations for the post-conference workshop, Independent Review of Telecom APIs, are together and they are exciting.  I’m proud and humbled that the world-leading experts listed below are willing to give their time for this post-conference workshop: Dan Burnett, chief Scientist at Tropo, one of the editors of the WebRTC spec, and author of ‘The WebRTC […]

Interview with Ivelin Innanov Co-Founder of Telestax

Ivelin and I have known each other for many years; he’s the classic technology entrepreneur with a brain that can hop between deep technology discussions to a business discussion without a moment of hesitation.  He founded Mobicents an Open Source VoIP Platform to help create, deploy, manage applications integrating voice, video and data. He is […]

SDP Global Summit and Telecom API Workshop

The SDP Global Summit has become the must-attend event across all telecom service platforms, not simply service delivery platforms.  Previous Summits from 2012, 2011 Day 1, 2011 Day 2, and 2011 Highlights are reviewed on this weblog and you can see they have predicted the course of the industry. I’m in particularly excited about the […]