Category Archives: Mobile Industry General

The Growing Importance of the Phone Number Beyond the Call

The phone number is quite a useful identity, most internet-based communication services like Whatsapp use the telephone number identity today because it also provides a handy multi factor authentication capability. Put simply, you possess something (e.g. a mobile phone #), you know something (e.g. a password), and the emerging one of inherence (unique things of […]

MWC is broken

Its that time of year again, the annual pilgrimage to avoid being robbed in Barcelona, and compare 4 or 5 vendors’ radio access networks (RAN) at MWC (Mobile World Congress). Beyond the RAN and its deployment, which the industry does very well, the rest of the stuff at MWC is poorly thought through marketing drivel […]

Its Time for an RCS Reset

RCS (Rich Communication Suite) has failed, we need an RCS reset, according to Dean Bubley its been a Zombie Technology for several years. My conversations with telcos over the past year on RCS have recurrent themes of it being too expensive, too complex, increasingly detached from the market reality, and most importantly has lost the […]

TADS Vision

The TADSummit website is live, you can see we have an unprecedented line-up of sponsors and partners supporting TADS including: Sponsors: APEX Communications, Apidaze, Ericsson, hSenid Mobile, Huawei, Nexmo, OpenCloud, Oracle, Shango, Solaiemes, Telestax, Tropo, Ubuntu / Canonical, and Voxbone Partners: Metaswitch, Truphone, Tyntec and many more helping get the word out on what we’re trying […]

TADHack Summary and Next Steps with TADSummit

TADHack is the only global meeting place for developers who want to learn, share, code and create across the breath of telecom tools and technologies. All telecom technologies and platforms are presented at TADHack, its a broad and open event with the focus on how all developers regardless of telecoms knowledge can use telecom technologies. […]

MWC 2014: The Art of Misdirection

It was the first time in 15 years I did not make the annual pilgrimage to MWC (Mobile World Congress).  Some of the reasons being: The BS and detachment from market reality of the GSMA which impacts MWC; The ridiculously large event which means I’m spending more time racing between meetings than in meetings; The […]

Taking TADS Local with TADMeetup

TADS (Telecom Application Developer Summit) is an independent grassroots initiative to raise the profile of telecom application developers with the resources to support them, and create a sustainable and profitable telecom application ecosystem. One of the requests from people who could not make it to the TADSummit last year was to help organize local events […]

SDP Global Summit 2013: Its Business not Technology

Previous weblogs and The Services Domain Report have discussed that the term SDP (Service Delivery Platform) is not appropriate.  We’re talking about the Services Domain, see the diagram on the left.  A telco is composed of three ‘domains’ the network domain, business and operational support systems (BOSS) domain, and the services domain.  The services domain […]

Telecom Application Developer Summit

Most of my working life has been spent building telecom applications within telcos (BT), vendors (Lucent, Cambridge Technology Partners), in my start-up Teltier (mobile presence applications), and working with many tens of telecom application developers as an independent. Based on this experience, telecom application developers exist and are grossly under-served by the telecom industry.  A […]