Tag Archives: SPiDR

Genband Perspectives13 Event: An Answer to “IMS. What Choice do You Have?”

Genband ran Perspectives13 over the 29 April – 2 May, customers from over 80 countries came together to see how Genband are bringing  their communications platforms and services together.  Genband has both built and bought a portfolio of communications-centric products across telco and enterprise, see M&A history at the end of this weblog: from the […]

IMS. What Choice Do You Have? IMS World Forum 2013 Summary.

In the effective duopoly of IMS core supply between Ericsson and Huawei, it’s fair to ask, “IMS.  What choice do you have?”  Talk to many people in Telecoms not directly working on IMS and they’ll simply right it off as dead.  For a dead technology, the conference was very much alive, the busiest I’ve ever […]