IMS and WebRTC Workshop

At the IMS World Forum we ran a workshop on IMS and WebRTC, its full title “IMS World Forum Pre-Conference Workshop: A New Wave of Communication Service Innovation: IMS and WebRTC.”  The presentations are shown below, the running order kicked off with me frankly reviewing the challenges we face with service innovation, so after I got […]

Are Telecom APIs Dead?

Where are the Telecom API millionaires? We all know about the Apple App Store and Google Play millionaires. Flappy Bird being a recent in a long long line of developer successes. But in Telecom APIs, where are the AT&T Developer Program Millionaires? The question is fair, though its comparing apples and oranges. The successes in […]

WebRTC Global Summit Review

Let me kick off with an obvious statement but it needs repeating: WebRTC is about communications not just telephony.  Which has an important corollary: telephony is not dead, its just becoming a bit-part in the emerging web-centric communications landscape. The first ever WebRTC Global Summit ran from March 31st – April 2nd in London. Congratulations […]

Emeris uses Telecom APIs to build Healthcare Mobile App

Over the past couple of months this weblog has taken a break from interviewing businesses running on telecom APIs, to get TADHack together. Keep an eye on TADHack, we have lots of exciting announcement coming up, its going to be an exciting event in building the telecom application development ecosystem.  But getting back to talking with […]

IMS World Forum Workshop: IMS and WebRTC

IMS may not be everyone’s ‘favorite cup of tea’, but it’s there in most networks. Put simply, for any operator migrating their services to IP, and in particular voice, what choice do you have? But rather than complain about architectural correctness, it’s time to get over the silly academic architectural wars and focus on services […]

Experiences in Setting up TADMeetup NJ

TADS (Telecom Application Developer Summit) is an independent grassroots initiative to raise the profile of telecom application developers with the resources to support them, and create a sustainable and profitable telecom application ecosystem. One of the requests from people who could not make it to the TADSummit last year was to help organize local events […]

Truth, Lies, and APIs

It was 20 years ago I realized software will define the telecom world.  I was building a ranged and leveled repeater for a gigabit PON (Passive Optical Network); the great grand-daddy of Verizon FiOS.  The opto-electronics hardware was quite specialized, but the intelligence that made the system work was a large Altera FPGA (Field Programmable […]

MWC 2014: The Art of Misdirection

It was the first time in 15 years I did not make the annual pilgrimage to MWC (Mobile World Congress).  Some of the reasons being: The BS and detachment from market reality of the GSMA which impacts MWC; The ridiculously large event which means I’m spending more time racing between meetings than in meetings; The […]

Taking TADS Local with TADMeetup

TADS (Telecom Application Developer Summit) is an independent grassroots initiative to raise the profile of telecom application developers with the resources to support them, and create a sustainable and profitable telecom application ecosystem. One of the requests from people who could not make it to the TADSummit last year was to help organize local events […]

TADHack Launched

TADHack (Telecom Application Developer Hackathon) is a global event, created and driven by the grassroots of the industry to help developers discover the latest ways to add communications to their application, services and business processes.  And compete for $20k in prize money.  It is unique because it brings together all relevant telecom application development tools […]