Global Telco Consult’s TCR (The Campaign Registry) report exists, and can be downloaded here.
Remember this is an analyst report, its written for the client: TCR and Kaleyra (now Tata Communications). The ‘Rock Stars’ comment is an example of how the team must be spun in a good light despite all the challenges, this was clearly an ask from the client. This report is a political review, not a frank, open and quantified review.
Ignoring Twilio in the interviews is a glaring hole, and invalidates the analysis in my opinion.
What about smaller CSPs (Campaign Service Providers) who are now considering exiting the SMS business after all the problems with 10DLC, who then moved to 800SMS, and faced Twilio’s ‘hiccup.’ There is also a broader attempt at consolidating the A2P SMS business into a couple of vendors at the moment. I’ve heard this from multiple sources. Was this consolidation plan already known given the bias of the interviews?
‘MNOs are happy.’ They should be ecstatic at 0.5c for SMS and 1c for spam. However, the current A2P SMS mess in the US should have them very concerned as the CTIA, Federal Communications Commission, and Federal Trade Commission appear to be circling.
Communications, slide 10, most CSP’s I know are astounded TCR does not have a basic CRM in place. Its people based, using emails and phone calls will all the dropped issues that ensue, at least for CSP communications.
Reporting, slide 11, there are SaaS services where the data can be presenting in a dashboard / portal and slices / diced by the customer. TCR has been in development for years, it should not be acceptable for reports to be emailed. Again showing the bias of this GTC report.
Data Security Concern: “Kaleyra’s ownership of TCR.” Its now Tata Communications’ ownership of the TCR, and Tata Communications used TCR data as soon as the acquisition was complete, see below. That concern was demonstrated to be true. What else has been exposed? Another concern was, “The fox watching the henhouse.” Again this concern has been proven real in the email sent below.

The T-Mobile interview quote backs up the ownership concern
Regardless of data protection, there was a commitment to get out of the messaging space to keep TCR proposition ‘clean’.
A relationship meant to be based on trust but ‘built on a lie’.
GTC Report Slide 23
The quote below is again spinning things in a favorable light. Within the Messaging Monopolies I’m sure this is true. However for some CSPs and brands, this is not the case.
TCRs relatively new solution still needs work to catch up and keep pace with a market used to split-second SLAs but it’s clear the team are trusted to do the right thing to the best of their ability – while being welcome and valued collaborators of companies across the ecosystem.
GTC report Slide 16
As a general comment in reviewing the interviewee feedback, it appears TCR process was designed from ‘on high’ where a few people were included, but the vast majority of the ecosystem was not. Hence all the gaps, concerns and frustrations with the TCR. Which was by some seen as an automation of the existing SCR (Short Code Registry). This makes sense and importantly INCLUDES the campaign numbers used, unlike the TCR.
The planned exit of brands and CSPs from the A2P SMS business in the US (focusing on email, calling and WhatApp); as well as the non-entry of some potential CSP into the A2P SMS business in the US because of fine liabilities; shows the issues raised in this 2022 report have not been adequately addressed, rather left to fester.
Change is urgently required.
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