Tag Archives: 5G

The Rainbow of Programmable Telecoms

Its been a busy summer across preparations for TADHack Global, TADSummit and the day job of helping people around the world build new businesses and services in programmable telecoms. Plus here in the US with the long summer holidays a succession of camps and baby sitters to keep the kids occupied and not watching TV or […]

LTE Asia 2014 Summary

LTEAsia remains one of the best, if not the best event, to meet with most of the region’s CxOs.  Its not too big, and not too small. Numbers appeared slightly down on 2 years ago when I last attended, but the quality of attendees remains as high. I was chairing the Signaling Focus day, the […]

MWC 2014: The Art of Misdirection

It was the first time in 15 years I did not make the annual pilgrimage to MWC (Mobile World Congress).  Some of the reasons being: The BS and detachment from market reality of the GSMA which impacts MWC; The ridiculously large event which means I’m spending more time racing between meetings than in meetings; The […]