The purpose of this CXTech Week 47 2023 newsletter is to highlight, with commentary, some of the news stories in CXTech this week. What is CXTech? The C stands for Connectivity, Communications, Collaboration, Conversation, Customer; X for Experience because that’s what matters; and Tech because the focus is enablers.
You can sign up here to receive the CXTech News and Analysis by email or by my Substack. Please forward this on if you think someone should join the list. And please let me know any CXTech news I should include.
A shorter newsletter and I’m on vacation over Thanksgiving.
Covered this week:
- Messaging Monopolies Simplified
- TADSummit Podcast 11, CPaaSAI, What did Tata Buy?
- Breitbart Coverage of TCR, and comparison to RealClear Policy’s
- The call for presentations for JanusCon 2024
- People, Gossip, and Frivolous Stuff
Messaging Monopolies Simplified
For the non-US audience a simplified version of the original Messaging Monopolies, with more background explanations, a few analogies, and less assumptions made on the readers’ detailed knowledge of the US SMS industry. It is longer, but I hope makes things a little clearer.
For the US audience, some post Thanksgiving reading 🙂

TADSummit Podcast 11, CPaaSAI, What did Tata Buy?
In this Thanksgiving Special Podcast we cover how the Swifties will stop voice and SMS SPAM in North America.
We review Breitbart’s coverage of the election interference and coverup detailed in Bill Peters’s complaint.
The breaking news is on how UIB (a long time TADSummit supporter) had a large offer from Tata Communications, which fell through, and then the Kaleyra deal was announced.
The question remains, does Tata Communications know what it bought in Kaleyra? In a recent announcement Tata thinks it can grow revenues in North America to over $1B.
Given revenue growth across Kaleyra’s businesses is limited, especially in the The Campaign Registry given most campaigns have registered, and A2P SMS could be in decline given the price rises, process hurdles, and passkeys replacing 2FA. That target may prove challenging.
Johnny speculates on what’s happening across Twilio, OpenAI, and Microsoft. We’re in agreement that something is going on, and currently what’s being presented does not add up for me. Hence, why I’m waiting for a fuller story to emerge at some point.

Breitbart Coverage of TCR
It surprised me how many months its taken the media to pay attention to the Bill Peters complaint against Kaleyra, now Tata Communications.
EVERYONE should be demanding action on the political campaign interference and the cover-up that took place.
If it’s possible for one side then its possible for the other, it does not matter which side of the political spectrum you consider yourself .
The Campaign Registry needs to be whiter than white. Tata Communications needs to understand the details of what happened and put in place processes to ensure integrity. As Bill Peters complaint shows, a lack of integrity has been demonstrated.
Tata should also investigate whether TCR has signed NDAs with any lobbying firms. There must NOT be any potential claims to improper behaviour.
All the messaging monopolies should be investigated to ensure processes are in place to guard against a repeat of this interference and cover up.
Here is the media coverage: You’ll see they did some digging, particularly on Aegis Mobile. And here is an alternative view on Aegis Mobile from the other side of the political divide to by RealClear Policy.
And here is the work we did exposing and explaining the situation:
- Messaging Monopolies Simplified
- Original Messaging Monopolies Post – assumes a fair bit of industry knowledge
- Major William Peters, Plaintiff, versus Kaleyra, Defendant. Part 1
- Understanding TCR and Kaleyra Part 2
- Understanding TCR and Kaleyra Part 1
- The Campaign Registry and Foreign Ownership: A Matter of National Security
The call for presentations for JanusCon 2024
After a successful first edition, JanusCon is finally back! It will once again be hosted in beautiful Napoli, Italy, in 29-30 April 2024. Join us for two days of concentrated fun and learning in a very relaxed environment: we’ll make sure that, between a presentation and another, you have a taste of the excellent cuisine and hospitality Italy is renowned for!
People, Gossip, and Frivolous Stuff
Jolene Pierangeli ia now advisor for the Customer Experience Certificate Program at Seton Hall Stillman School of Business. I’ve known Jolene since her time at Dialogic.
Bita Milanian is now head of marketing at StartupOS.
Nikhil Maggu has joined Sprinklr as Lead – Service Specialist in Gurugram, India.
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