Don’t panic! This year’s survey is much shorted than those of the past 🙂
Back in 2019 I created a survey to gather people’s experiences and opinions on using Open Source Telecom Software. I share an anonymized aggregate view of the survey with those that compete the survey as soon as I have the results prepared, usually in July; and I present a summary for everyone at TADSummit in November.
Here are the surveys from 2021, 2020 and 2019, with the results from 2021, 2020 and 2019. Thank you for your continued support.
This year we’ve focused on general questions across DDoS, Security, STIR/SHAKEN, and some general ones. The project specific surveys change slightly year to year, so we’re taking a break this year.
Here’s the link to the Open Source Telecom Software Survey 2022. If any question is not relevant or you have no opinion, skip it. Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions.