Earlier this week I discovered Telstra have launched an integrated storefront experience called the TelstraOne Experience: across the phone’s features, web, content, games, customer relationship management, and all the other services they provide. Critically, its front-and-center of the customer’s phone experience and aimed at one-click access. See picture and video below on its operation. Its based on SurfKitchen’s SurfKit Mobile Internet Platform.
After reviewing Cricket’s MyHomeScreen, supplied by mPortal, in the previous weblog entry; its great to see other operators harnessing the potential of the On Device Portal (ODP) to deliver an integrated experience to customers. How easy it will be to put such as experience on say a Nokia S40 device that’s also running Ovi will be a test of whether some handset manufacturers are now in competition with their primary channel to market.
In cases where the operator can not put its experience front-and-center, they should evaluate whether it makes commercial sense to remain a channel for those devices. For example, on the iPhone operators have already decided being a channel is OK.