Tag Archives: Next Generation Emergency Communications Services

Review of IIT RTC Conference and TADHack Chicago

This week the center of the RTC (Real Time Communications) World was the IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology) in Chicago as people from around the world gathered at IIT RTC to discuss: IPTComm (devoted to academic and industrial research in IP-enabled communications and services); Mobile Networks, Platforms and Applications; WebRTC and Cloud Communications; Next Generation […]

Chicago the Center of RTC from 3rd Oct to 8th Oct

In just over one week’s time the center of the real-time communications world will be Chicago, with TADHack-mini Chicago running over the weekend from the 3rd – 4th October, and the Illinois Institute of Technology Real Time Communications Conference from the 5th – 8th October. I’ve reviewed IIT RTC in 2014 and 2013, theĀ event is […]