Tag Archives: Gigabit Optical Passive Network

Singapore’s Experiment with Broadband Open Access Part 2

Back in September I did an entry on the IDA’s IN2015 (Intelligent Nation 2015) initiative.  Quoting from their website:  “The Next Generation National Infocomm Infrastructure (Next Gen NII) is Singapore’s new digital super-highway. Next Gen NII comprises complementary wired and wireless networks to ensure Singaporeans enjoy seamless connectivity.  The wired broadband network or Next Generation […]

Singapore’s Experiment with Broadband Open Access

Singapore is running an interesting experiment with its IN2015 (Intelligent Nation 2015) initiative.  Quoting from their website:  “The Next Generation National Infocomm Infrastructure (Next Gen NII) is Singapore’s new digital super-highway. Next Gen NII comprises complementary wired and wireless networks to ensure Singaporeans enjoy seamless connectivity.  The wired broadband network or Next Generation National Broadband […]