Category Archives: Service Platforms

The Divergence of CDMA and UMTS Operators on IMS: Summary of IMS Executive Conference, 19-20th September 2007, Washington DC

I attended the FierceMarket’s IMS Executive Summit 2007 on the 19th and 20th September.  The agenda included keynote presentations from Stuart Elby, Vice President, Network Architecture, Verizon; Mark Kaish, Vice President of Voice Development and Support, Cox Communications, and Narothum Saxena, Senior Director of Advanced Technology and Systems Planning, US Cellular. Learning from the event […]

SCIM (Service Capability Interaction Manager): Its time for operators to sort out the services layer mess

About 2 years ago I did a couple of projects around the SCIM (Service Capability Interaction Manager).  It’s an illusive component within the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) standards, because it’s only described in one paragraph of the 3GPP R7 (3rd Generation Project Partnership Release 7) standards issued earlier this year.  The SCIM isn’t standardized, it’s […]

A critical gap that means most service platform (IMS/SDP) business cases keep failing

IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) continues to struggle in market acceptance for a variety of reasons.  Hugh Bradlow from Telstra did a good summary recently.  The SDP (Service Delivery Platform) through a lack of standardisation is becoming a vast architecture with multiple definitions.  Linking IMS and SDP would appear to be a sure-fire-way of killing any […]

Is the On Device Portal (ODP) Evolving to Rich Mobile Applications (RMA)?

The term ‘on-device portal’ (ODP) describes ‘thin client’ software that provides a graphical user interface to improve the presentation of content on mobile devices,  addressing the ‘3 Ls:’ Latency, Look-and-feel, and Lack of availability (not always connected). The ODP market remains nascent.  However, we’ve seen this year some significant steps forward with the selection of […]