On Wednesday 7th October at 7AM ET / 1PM CET / 2PM KSA / 3PM KSA / 7PM Singapore, I’ll give a Unifonic webinar / interview with Jonathan Labin, International President of Unifonic.
I’ve never had an intro video for a webinar / interview I’ve given, see below, so this is new experience 🙂
It’s free to attend, sign up here: https://bit.ly/3iqREhf.
I’ve known Unifonic for many years, we’re hoping at some point in the future to have a TADHack Global KSA / UAE location run by Unifonic. TADHack Global 2020 runs this weekend, 10-11 October. Hackers are already playing with the sponsors’ resources in preparation for the weekend.
Unifonic are a regional CPaaS provider, focused on the Middle East. They provide the local support and market understanding necessary for customer success in CPaaS. Ignore the Bay Area hype, focus on a partner that understands your market and business, it’s not a one size fits all in CPaaS.
After my introduction in this Unifonic webinar I’ll provide some definitions to cut through the marketing hype. We’ll focus on some programmable communications (CPaaS) use cases, discuss the future of programmable communications, with some specific recommendations focused on immediate action. The time is now!
This Unifonic Webinar is free to attend, sign up here: https://bit.ly/3iqREhf.