Tag Archives: BT

A view on the Fundamental Changes in Telecom through 2007

In reading the reviews of the telecom year, I see both iPhone and Android pop up as two of the most significant changes on the telecom industry.  I think it’s important that we stop and think a moment. On the iPhone: I already have music on my phone, I can do email, I have a […]

Singapore’s Experiment with Broadband Open Access Part 2

Back in September I did an entry on the IDA’s IN2015 (Intelligent Nation 2015) initiative.  Quoting from their website:  “The Next Generation National Infocomm Infrastructure (Next Gen NII) is Singapore’s new digital super-highway. Next Gen NII comprises complementary wired and wireless networks to ensure Singaporeans enjoy seamless connectivity.  The wired broadband network or Next Generation […]

Enterprise Insights: Interesting Enterprise mobile services and their cross-over into the Consumer World

The telecom press normally focus upon consumer based services, such as MobileTV, mobile gaming, or mobile access to MySpace or Facebook.  Behind the scenes is the less glamorous but more profitable enterprise communications scene with services such as: Visual Voicemail: speech to text (note its recent appearance on the iPhone); Unified Business Communications: bringing together […]

FMC: Fixed Mobile Convergence or Fixed Mobile Conversion?

FMC is a tired term.  Some operators and quite a few enterprises are fed-up of listening to ill-formed, technology-centric FMC pitches.  Taking a simplistic view, when a consumer has a mobile phone, why do they need FMC?  With virtually unlimited ‘night and weekend’ rates they already have cheap calling at home.  For an enterprise, when […]

Web / Voice / Telco 2.0: Just understanding the lay of the land

The telecom and IT industries tend to suffer more than most from the hype cycle.  What surprises me is the hype tends to be around technologies rather than solutions.  I guess it’s easier to get excited about a something that ‘could do’ rather than ‘can do.’  At present the hype machine in gearing up on […]