Tag Archives: Telecom Application Developer Summit

Telecom Application Developer Summit Launched

TADS (Telecom Application Developer Summit) is the ONLY GLOBAL MEETING place for Developers who want to learn, share, code and create with the latest technologies in free and open source telecom software, telecom APIs, unique telecom platforms, and WebRTC.  TADS is also for Telcos wanting to discover new services and to understand how to work […]

The Difference between Mobile App and Telecom App Developers

Before getting into the main message of this weblog, remember to beware “black and white thinking”.  It’s about focus, not absolutes.  This weblog came about as I realized this subtle but important distinction between mobile and telecom app developers is not broadly appreciated, it gets lost in the collective noun of developers. Most developers that […]

Telecom Application Developer Summit

Most of my working life has been spent building telecom applications within telcos (BT), vendors (Lucent, Cambridge Technology Partners), in my start-up Teltier (mobile presence applications), and working with many tens of telecom application developers as an independent. Based on this experience, telecom application developers exist and are grossly under-served by the telecom industry.  A […]