Tag Archives: SAP

SDP Landscape 2012

Asked recently if there was an update of the old SDP landscape weblog entry, I was shocked at how out of date it had become.  The categories needed updating, lots of companies had come and gone.  The 2012 SDP landscape can be downloaded here, and is also shown at the end of this entry, though […]

Policy Control and Charging Conference Summary

The Policy Control and Real-Time Charging Conference ran from the 24th-26th April 2012 at the Krasnapolsky Hotel, Amsterdam.  The conference included operator presentations / case studies from Swisscom, Reliance, Turkcell, Vodafone, KPN, and Orange.  I ran a post-conference workshop on the 26th April entitled “Policy Control and Charging Workshop: An Independent and Quantified Review,” the […]

Operator API Business Models: There’s two of them

In a previous weblog article, “Unmuddling APIs, Developer Communities, Developers, Third Parties, App Stores, App Warehouses, and Widgets…..”  I discussed the confusion around the terms and set out some of the categories of third parties that could use operators’ APIs: Enterprises (e.g. where an enterprise’s IT developer may want to use presence for their corporate […]

Enterprise Insights: Interesting Enterprise mobile services and their cross-over into the Consumer World

The telecom press normally focus upon consumer based services, such as MobileTV, mobile gaming, or mobile access to MySpace or Facebook.  Behind the scenes is the less glamorous but more profitable enterprise communications scene with services such as: Visual Voicemail: speech to text (note its recent appearance on the iPhone); Unified Business Communications: bringing together […]