Tag Archives: Push To Talk

Acceptance and TADHack Founder Academy

I’ve been watching the dichotomy between the 5G hype (often belief-based with little in the way of rational analysis) and counter arguments (generally based on rational arguments referencing history); same with mobile edge compute (not edge compute, that’s something different, yet conflated); same with ORAN (latest positioning is you’ll spend the same, saving are in operations <sniggers at […]

The Litany of Excuses Stifling Communication Innovation Part 4

A previous article set out the litany of excuses given as to why communication innovation has stopped in operators; and we’re working through how those excuses can be solved, avoided, or ignored.  This article expands a little more on the excuse: “We can only focus on 4 service launches per year (because we only back […]

An Independent Review of LTE (Long Term Evolution, aka 4G): Cutting through the marketing hype

LTE (Long Term Evolution, also known as 4G) is entering the hype-cycle, and being rapidly pushed up to the ‘peak of inflated expectations’, just like IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), PTT (Push To Talk), FMC (Fixed Mobile Convergence), and far too many other technologies to name here.  So to cut through the hype and hopefully present […]